
Welcome to the Integral Way

A conscious path towards meaning, creativity and well-being


The Integral Center

The center offers the following services: therapeutic process work, coaching, mentoring, conferences, classes, workshops, books, CD’s, videos, online courses,  as well as, personal & professional training in Integral Process WorkRead more 


The Integral Way video

The integral Way explores our multidimensional being, and the many ways we are interrelated with all of life. We are connected with our innate universal intelligence, the pulsing life force, which calls us to realize, express, and manifest, the beauty, and purpose of our own unique gifts, and bring them into the world.

23068The Integral Way

The Integral Way is a body-mind-psycho-spiritual process leading to a more integrated state of being through a progressive transformation of one’s awareness of self and of life. It is also a fundamental philosophy, a way of understanding life, its purpose & the values by which we live our daily lives. Read more


These introductory sessions explore different themes in a dynamic and experiential learning style, which invites participation in an active, fun exploration of self, life and it’s meaning. Read more

104931103Introductory and Professional Development Workshops

These workshops are open to all and designed to introduce the basic elements of Integral Process Work. They also serve as refresher courses for health care professionals working in their field of expertise. Read more


Personal Development Classes

These classes guide you towards personal growth and conscious evolution, through an experiential learning process which explores various body-mind, psycho-energetic and psycho-spiritual approaches applied in Integral Process Work, which we can be easily integrated into our daily lives. Read more

109836401Professional Training

This training is geared towards those who already have basic experience in the field of personal development and seek additional training as a therapist in Integral Process Work. Read more


Integral Process Work

Integral Process Work is a psycho-spiritual, body-mind approach, that helps us become more conscious in nurturing our well-being.  The different approaches, tools, and resources are used to accompany each person in their own personal development, assisting them to thrive in their daily life activities and challenges. Read more

Jean-Marc Girard

About Jean-Marc Girard

  • Author of the Integral Way and of Integral Process Work 
  • Body-mind, psycho-energetic, massage therapist, co-founder of Guijek
  • Has been training Integral Process Work therapists for 27 years
  • 45 years of experience in the field of holistic health and well-being
  • Artist, musician, writer

Learn more about Jean-Marc Girard

Subscribe to my Newsletter Now

Manon Lecompte
Integral Counseling therapist

The Integral Way is not just an approche in personal growth, but rather an art in living our personal and professional live’s. By living my full potential, with my own qualities of being, I bring out the best of myself in accompanying another on their own life journey.




From January, through to the end of March, I’ll be offering my services in the Sarasota area. Here are some courses, training, concerts, and activities that I’ll be offering with my approach called the Integral Way. 
1. Free introductory sessions via Zoom; 24th Jan., 6th Feb., 6th March, from 7-8 pm, Zoom Link
2. Weekly Integral Way practice sessions for our health and wellness, via Zoom,   **Free introductory session via Zoom **
3. Healing Circle Ritual; Sunday the 28th of January 4-5 pm
4. Creative Joyful Gathering; Sunday the 25th of February and March 17th 4-5:30 pm
5. Concert, ‘To the Heart of Soul’, original songs, poetry, and meditations, 
6. I’ll also be offering personal therapeutic sessions in person or via Zoom!
For all other information concerning the content, price, and location, please visit my: Calendar
You can view my videos on Youtube: The Integral Way
Visit my: Concert Page
You can also see my Facebook page:
Thank you for sharing this information with those who could be interested,
wishing you all much joy and well-being in this New Year.
Looking forward to meeting you, and or, reconnecting with the Integral Way 
Jean-Marc Girard
communicate with me at



Guided Méditation 

songs, poetry,
healing ritual

to be determined

Via Zoom; Link here

Meeting ID: 711 8018 8267 

Password: 025122

Weekly Integral Way practice sessions

for our health and wellness, via Zoom,

**Free introductory session via Zoom 

Wednesday, January 31st, 7:30 to 8:30 pm 

Then every 2 weeks February 14th to March 13th, 7:30 to 8:30 pm 

Cost: 10$ per session

Zoom: Link here

Meeting ID: 784 0514 9016

Password: 06662

During these difficult times,
I will offer sessions, where we will explore, and practice, different tools, and resources,
with various body-mind, energetic and psych0-spiritual approaches,
to support our overall vitality and well-being.

Introductory workshop to Integral Process Work and Therapeutic Touch

Body-mind and psycho-energetic approaches applied in Integral Process Work

  • Date: to be determined
  • Cost: $45 ($40 preregistration)
  • Location: Casa Cia, 5844 Sandy Pointe Dr., Sarasota

For more information… view article


Introductory evening to Integral Process Work and Therapeutic Touch training

Body-mind and psycho-energetic approaches applied in Integral Process Work

  • Date:   to be determined
  • Cost: free
  • Location:
  • at the SOHA Center, 961 Rachel East, Montreal, Quebec, H2J 2J4
  • 401 rue Lévis, St. Jean-sur-Richelieu, J3B 1R4

For more information… view article


Professional development and practice of psycho-energetic approaches

A practice evening for those seeking to deepen their energy work experience

Date: to be determined

Cost: $ 25
Location: at the SOHA Center, 961 Rachel East, Montreal, Quebec, H2J 2J4

For more information… view article


Introductory workshops to the Integral Process Work

Personal and professional training

(dates and location to be determined in Sarasota)

Dates: Saturday and Sunday from 9h30 am to 5h30 pm, to be determined

  1. Personal and professional training in Therapeutic Touch, 
  2. Body-mind and psycho-energetic approaches applied to Integral Process Work;

Cost: $220 taxes included (tax receipt is given)

Location: Centre SOHA, 961 Rachel Est, Montréal, Québec, H2J 2J4

For more information… view article 


Personal and professional training in Therapeutic Touch

Therapeutic Touch applied to Integral Process Work

Dates: to be determined

Saturday and Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Supervision (Option) every two weeks, 7 to 10 pm

Cost: $220 for two days each, taxes included (tax receipt is given)


  • Centre SOHA, 961 Rachel Est, Montréal, Québec, H2J 2J4
  • 401 rue Lévis, St. Jean-sur-Richelieu, J3B 1R4

For more information… view article 


Professional training in Integral Process Work

New training

starting in October 2020

This training is geared towards those who already have basic experience in the field of personal development and seek additional training in a creative, integral approach.

It is also designed to enable healthcare professionals (therapists, psychotherapists, counselors, osteopaths, naturopaths, nurses, etc.) to develop an integral approach in their professional field.

More information… view page


Professional supervision

Case studies of body-mind and psycho-energetic approaches applied to a therapeutic practise.

Date:   to be determined

Cost : 35$, taxes included for each session

Location: Centre SOHA, 961 Rachel Est, Montréal, Québec, H2J 2J4

For more information… view article:



Simply to the heart of Soul

  • Date: to be determined
  • Cost: $20
  • Location:
  • For more information… view article