Integral Way Store
Becoming All That We Are
Inventory Restriction
Inventory Failure
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A few words of introduction
The Integral Way is a bio-psycho-spiritual approach, which leads to an evolutionary process of awakening and transformation of consciousness.
It is also a fundamental philosophy, a way of understanding life, its purpose and the values by which we live our daily lives. Becoming more aware of our bodies, our innate intelligence, our perceptions and our capabilities, allows us to express our creativity and live to our full potential.
The essence of this approach states that when body, heart, mind and soul are united and integrated within our true selves, awakened consciousness, well-being, health, joy and creativity, naturally manifest in our lives.
This approach guides us through an evolutionary process which leads to the transformation of our own consciousness. It invites us to become more present to the entirety of our being, to who we really are; opening us to the meaning and purpose of our lives. We become more self-accomplished and authentic in our relationships, allowing us to connect more deeply to our intuitive wisdom, while leading us to more creative, meaningful lives. This great human adventure asks each of us the following fundamental question: “Who am I?”
Jean-Marc Girard has been teaching a whole health approach for 45 years and has been training therapists for the past 35 years. He is an integral therapist himself, as well as, a massage therapist, an author and a coach.
A skilled communicator, he enjoys teaching and sharing his knowledge through a variety of experiential approaches. He is the author of the book “The Integral Way – Becoming All That We Are” which is a general introduction to the integral approach and also serves as a reference manual for therapists.
More details about the book…
This book is an introduction to my life and the teachings and visions which have resulted.
Part 1 includes a short introduction to my approach, the Integral Way (Chapter 1) followed by a summary of my awakening experience (Chapter 2). Thereupon, I offer a brief history concerning the development and origins of my teachings (Chapter 3).
Further details regarding the basic philosophy of the Integral Way are presented in Part 2: fundamental themes, the approaches and exercises practiced during the classes, as well as an introduction to the various courses I offer (Chapters 4 & 5).
Part 3 summarizes the human realities of our world (Chapter 1), the possibilities (Chapter 2) and ways of becoming more conscious, active players in the evolution of humanity on our planet (Chapter 3).
My intention is to share with all of you a transformative process that has proven to be valuable and meaningful in my own life, in the hopes that it will also inspire you to live your own integral way and assist you along your own spiritual journey towards conscious and creative living.
excerpts from the book
Awakening to my Integral Way
(Excerpt from my book ‘The Integral Way: Becoming All That We Are’)
“There was a direct resonance in me, a calling that was beyond my choice, I could do nothing else but surrender to a process that was beyond my understanding, and the prodigal son was being called home.
Well, this was a moment of epiphany, a paradigm shift in consciousness, my whole being “got it”. Just because she doesn’t have the same feelings as I do, I don’t need to close down. This is my heart, my being opening to “Love”, my opening to the wonder, the power, and the awe of life. In the twinkling of the eye, my heart burst forth in waves upon waves of pure ecstasy, my whole being was pulsing in the transcendental joy of mystic union. I was home.
This awakening was all encompassing, every dimension of my being was transformed, my physical senses were enhanced, all sensations and perceptions were new, everything became crisp, clear, beautifully fascinating..
I was aware of the flow of energy pulsing, coursing, continually moving through my whole being. Every breath I took filled me, nurtured me, a very tangible feeling of shimmering sensation spreading warmth, joy and peace throughout my body.
My awareness rested in this simple joy of breathing, being aware of all the different interconnections existing within myself and with all that I perceived around me. Even though I still identified myself with my center of awareness (my body, my thoughts, my feelings), my perception had jumped into a much vaster awareness of the seeming endless interconnections, the cosmic sea that we were all swimming in and a part of.
Besides the enhancement of my physical senses, my psychic abilities were coming to life with an expansion of awareness and of understanding at the same time. My kinetic perceptions were amazing, I literally felt the pulsing, flowing, waves of subtle energy as they arose in my expanding energetic body and also as they entered into my field of awareness from the environment around me. The sensations were endlessly fascinating, stimulating and catalyzing; they were a ceaseless play of interacting influences that seemed random and extremely complex. A multitude of interactions which were all happening in each instant, at first seemed too complex, too chaotic to grasp but in the wonder of it all, was a deep knowing, an understanding of the innate intelligence at play here. There was meaning to all of this, not only meaning, but joy, love, ecstasy in the realization that I was connected to all of this and in fact all of this is my home, my true “I”. After a while I realized that all of this interchange was a language of its own…”
Jean-Marc Girard
Integral Consciousness
Audio CD
Jean-Marc Girard
CD includes Guided Relaxation Exercises
Inventory Restriction
Inventory Failure
Shipped in Canada only – add $5 shipping fee to your order
3 Guided Exercises (70.55 minutes in total)
1. Integral Consciousness: inner space, being with self (20.07)
Intention : This guided visualization leads you to a state of deep relaxation and well-being on all levels of your being (physical, physiological, psychological and spiritual), in order to create a space that welcomes all the different realities of your life in an open, caring and present awareness.
2. Physical Relaxation: release, receive, breathe (27.40)
Intention : To increase awareness of our physical being by stretching and releasing each part of our body through auto-suggestion which enhance’s relaxation. Breathing is the foundation that focuses and deepens our body awareness all along this process. Although the exercise is focused on relaxing your body, the psycho-energetic and spiritual states are also at work here… our entire being benefits.
3. Conscious Breathing: breath of life (23.08)
Intention : To develop conscious breathing, through a series of exercises that enhances breathe awareness and health, leading to a more vital and joyous state of being.
Each exercise includes a 1 minute introduction.
Download CD in MP3 Digital Format (.ZIP):
Inventory Restriction
Inventory Failure
Download each exercise individually. Price = $4.00 each:
Inventory Restriction
Inventory Failure
Inventory Restriction
Inventory Failure
Inventory Restriction
Inventory Failure
* For all downloads, you will be guided to the download page after payment.
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Fernande Trudeau Therapist and trainer in Integral Counseling, nurse, massage therapist
The Integral Way has helped me to discover the wise woman who lives within me. Inviting me to embody my soul, my psyche and my body, allowing me to be more humane in my relationships with others and the universe.
I am more aware of the love that resides within me and freer to share it in my personal and professional life.